As always, our community has an ever-present need for food to feed families in the local area. As the cost of groceries continues to increase, our help is needed this year more than ever! Therefore, the Mission Ministry Team will once again coordinate our annual church food drive called the Festival of God’s Harvest. All groceries will be given to the St. Joseph Food Program. Our food drive will take place November 2 – 24.
Empty grocery bags will be handed out after the church services on November 2 - 3 and November 9 - 10. Please return your filled grocery bags to the church by Sunday, November 24th and place them behind the Welcome Desk near Fellowship Hall.
Anyone who wishes to donate money to be used for this cause can give your monetary donation to the church office. Please make sure your contribution is clearly marked “Festival of God’s Harvest” and is received by November 17th.
The good news is that you can start collecting NOW! As you do your weekly grocery shopping, try to purchase a few extra items for our food drive. On the MOST NEEDED LIST are canned chicken, cereal, peanut butter and jelly, soup and mac & cheese. You are welcome to purchase other non-perishable food items as well, but please avoid anything in glass containers. For the month of November St. Joseph’s Food Program has a goal to reach 1000 cans of fruit, let’s help them reach that goal!
We have always had outstanding participation for this event, and the St. Joseph Food Program relies on our efforts as major food donors at this time of year. As the season of Thanksgiving approaches, please take time to remember the less fortunate and consider an extra generous donation in this time of need. Thank you so much!