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Youth Ministries

Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries: Brian Stahl

Creating a space where Youth in Grades 6-12 are welcomed, loved, and accepted for the unique person God has created. We offer opportunities where Youth are equipped with tools and experiences so that they may serve others and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.

Welcome to Youth Ministries at First United Methodist Church of Appleton. Youth Ministry at First Church is for all Youth in grades 6-12. Middle School is grades 6-8. High School is grades 9-12. It is our hope that all Youth would know that they are loved and that God desperately wants to be in relationship. My job often presents me opportunities that make what we are doing at First Church extremely important to the growth and spiritual development of our Youth. On the other hand, the role of parents far supersedes our ability to impact the lives of our Youth. Parents are the compass by which Youth walk. With that said, we deeply desire for parents to feel involved in our Youth ministry. Whether you volunteer on a regular basis, as needed, or just stay up to speed with what we're doing, we want you to feel a part    of what we do. Thank you for giving me the chance to minister to your sons and daughters. Please contact me with any questions you have regarding our ministries. I can be reached via email at or by phone at church at 920-734-2677 or cell phone at 920-840-5075.

May You Experience God’s Amazing Love Today,
Brian Stahl
Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries


Every Youth participating in any Youth Ministry event must COMPLETE AND RETURN a FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH APPLETON YOUTH MINISTRIES MEDICAL RELEASE FORM 2024-2025, before Youth may participate in Youth events. Forms are also available on the youth bulletin board outside of the Fellowship Hall.

We strive to build a community where the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ is shared, and every Youth is loved and appreciated for the unique person God has created. We offer God-honoring opportunities for Youth to develop a critical thought process on questions of faith, gain an understanding of how to live their faith every day, and serve their community and the world.


Worship, Conversation & Connection is an opportunity for Youth to connect outside of Wednesdays. Every week, Youth in grades 6-8 sit together in the balcony during Worship at 9am and head to Fellowship Hall following Worship for a time of Conversation and donuts. 


Youth Sunday Our Youth plan and lead Worship twice during the year. Once in January and the Rite of Confirmation service April 27, 2025. What a blessing and an amazing way to be the church of Today!


Graduate Sunday First Church celebrates our High School and College Graduates during a special Worship Service the second Sunday in May our next Graduate Sunday is scheduled for May 11, 2025 at 9 am Worship. 




Youth Group (Grades 6-12) meets Wednesdays September
through April 30. Dinner is served in Fellowship for all Youth and their families from 5:00-6:00pm. Large Group meets in the Youth Lounge from 6:00-6:30pm. Classes meet from 6:30-7:30pm. Confirmation meets during this time.  We follow the Appleton Area School District. If School or school events are cancelled, we will not meet.
                                                                                                    Large Group During Large Youth will be challenged by a message and given opportunities to share their faith. Our Current message series is "TOUGH QUESTIONS". Join us as we tackle some questions: Why would a good God allow bad things to happen? Why should I follow a religion filled with hypocrites? and more.        

Confirmation is a two-year journey. All Youth beginning in 8th grade are encouraged to be part of the process. We believe that Confirmation is the continuation of one’s faith journey (a journey begun at baptism) and the beginning of one’s covenant relationship with the church. Confirmands should emerge from their Confirmation experience prepared for a life of Christian discipleship. To this end, we offer an opportunity for Youth to make a personal decision to confirm the baptismal vows   their   parents took for them and become a church member. Confirmands must complete 24 Worship Notes during their two years. Please click to print. Confirmation Worship Notes Form. Forms are also available at the entrances to the Chapel and Sanctuary. Confirmation Worship is planned and led by our 9th grade class and will be held Sunday, April 27, 2025 during 9 am Worship.

Fellowship Events 

First Church offers Youth in grades 6-12 the opportunity to meet throughout the school year (September – May) for Fellowship.

Upcoming Opportunities

Bowling Our second annual bowling event is set for Sunday, February 16 at the 10th Frame in Appleton. We have the lanes reserved from 1-3pm. Thanks to a generous endowment gift the event is free. Provided will be bowling, pizza, and soda. We hope you will join us for this wonderful afternoon.
Friday Fun Night Youth in Grades 6-12 are encouraged to invite your friends and join First Church for the next Friday Fun Night February 21. The Fun will happen from 7-10pm. There is no cost! Youth will enjoy Food, Fun, Fellowship, and of course Jesus! To sign up contact Brian Stahl at or 920-840-5075 by February 19!

Local Mission opportunities are scheduled throughout the year.

Souper Bowl of Caring First Church will join millions of congregations across the nation in collecting money to help those in need. Following worship on February 8 and 9, we ask you to place your donation in the soup pot with the logo of the team you would like to win the Super Bowl. This year’s collection will go to our Blessing Box ministry.


College Care Packages Every February First Church sends over 75 care packages to our college students. This year's event will be Sunday, February 23 from 10-11 am in fellowship hall following Worship. Please join us and share some love with our college students around the country.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Summer Youth Mission Trips                                                                                                     

 First Church serves our world through Youth Mission Trips in partnership with Youthworks. Our Middle School Trip (Youth enrolled in Grades 6-8 in the fall 2024) will be June 15-20 to Duluth, Minnesota. Our High School Trip (Youth enrolled in Grades 11-12 in the fall of 2024) will be June 22-27 to Puerto Rico. Our High School Trip (Youth enrolled in grades 9-12 in the fall of 2024) will be July 26-August 2 to Bayou La Batre, Alabama.

Interested in serving with First Church in the Summer of 2025? Deposits are now being accepted.


First Church offers Youth Families the opportunity to earn monies that may be used to off-set future Youth Ministries events. Monies will be placed in a fundraising account. To sign up for any fundraising opportunities, please contact Brian Stahl at

Upcoming Opportunities

Youth attending any of our three Youth Mission Trips this summer are encouraged to donate two twelve packs of soda for our Fill 2 Fulfill Mission Trip Fundraiser.  Soda donations are due February 12. Cans will distributed February 16 and February 23 and will be collected on March 2. All proceeds collected will offset Rental Van costs.