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Missions & Outreach

Affordable Housing Ministry Team 

The Affordable Housing Ministry Team seeks ways to bring awareness to the problem of lack of affordable housing for the most vulnerable including the homeless and those needing to secure housing on limited incomes. At present, approximately 4000 affordable housing units are needed in the Fox Cities area. Secure housing helps children feel safe, doing better in school. It helps stabilize job situations, keeping people employed, in better physical and mental health. Lack of secure affordable housing affects us all. From awareness, our hope is to bring appropriate actions to help. As a faith community, what is God asking us to do?

Volunteers in Mission (VIM)

The Volunteers in Mission (VIM) team is a group of adults who travel once a year, in the fall, for a week to do mission work. If you would like to find out more information about the next adult mission project, contact Donna Frick

Mission Ministry Team

Join the team that focuses on supporting those in need in our communities, across our local, national, and global demographic. Join others to prepare a meal at the Emergency Shelter, organize a food collection for the food pantry, or share your skills with Habitat for Humanity, and more. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry, please contact Chris Hartman

Evangelism & Outreach Ministry Team

Join this newer team as we reach out to the people of our neighborhood. This group will only meet a few times a year, and will do 2-4 walks/ giveaways a year. We have given away hot chocolate at the Christmas Parade and have given food out at Oktoberfest. If you are interested, contact Deacon Tim

Connectional Missions

Through The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) we are in mission with God’s people here in Wisconsin, in the United States and around the globe. We have sent boxes of supplies to Russia and Sierra Leone, raised funds to help eradicate malaria as part of Imagine No Malaria, shared in relief efforts for victims of tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods. Through the General Board of Global Ministries (GBGM) we provide on-going support to Gwen Gibson, a missionary who serves as an educational specialist with The United Methodist Mission in Senegal, Africa.

Hands-On Ministry 

Are you looking for ways to live out your faith by serving those in need in our local community? Does your employer offer time-off to participate in volunteer activities? Each month First Church will provide opportunities for anyone to participate in hands-on volunteering opportunities throughout our local community.

Concern and Action Ministry Team

The Concern & Action Ministry Team puts faith into action through programs to address social and cultural challenges, including: poverty, discrimination, mental illness and environmental stewardship. Through local mission work and education, we strive to incorporate John Wesley’s three simple rules, including 1. Do no harm, 2. Do good, 3. Stay in love with God. Our ministry team is focused on spreading God’s love in our community and congregation while demonstrating Open Hearts, Open Minds and Open Doors to all people.